Hey Guyz and girls  : I’m sick. 🙁

One thing a podcaster needs … is his voice .. and today … I got up and mine was not really there.  I seem to have picked up a nice little cold and am sniffling and coughing all over the place. So a 4 hour marathon podcast is gonna sound more like a train wreck then what you are used to hear from me. So i’m skipping this months live episode of KWTV and will be rescheduling the show for the near future (Probably still this month). I’m really sorry if you dropped by for some KWTV goodness , but today the germs are against us. Hope you won’t mind. I will be giving you a treat this weekend with an episode of KWTV about Linux mint. And we will be covering the F.A.C.T.S convention on sunday. Once again : A million pardons.



Ps : Somebody come sing me “Soft Kitty Warm Kitty”

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