I love getting listener feedback and comments on the blog. Cause sometimes there are some really good idea’s in there. For one, I got the question if it would not be possible to have the podcast available on MIRO. For those of you who don’t know, Miro is a cross-platform media player/aggregator that lets you download and watch podcasts and videocasts from a variety of sources. It is not only Cross-platform (Windows / Linux / Mac) it is also darn GOOD ! The streaming capabilities make Miro not only the perfect aggregator for video (and audio) podcasts, but its also way cool to use to stream movies over the network that you have stored on a computer somewhere in the house.

But back to the matter at hand : I’ve created a special channel on MIRO that you can subscribe to, in order to get your "Knightwise.com-FIX" whenever we release an episode. You can subscribe by clicking on the button on the sidebar (this wil automatically open Miro and Add our media feed in the sidebar). If you don’t have Miro installed , you can download it HERE.

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