aspirSorry for not posting over the weekend, but I had my hands full. 🙂 Not only with "daily life" kinda stuff, to be quite honest we didn’t leave the house. But with Nyana down with the flu we didn’t have a lot of choice. She’s slowly getting better, but the most part of my weekend was spent on the couch beside her, watching over her , pampering her and of course playing with my new toy. Saturday morning I had gotten a buyer for my Asus EEEpc (yes !  I SOLD IT ! ) who came and picked it up for a very decent price. Why did I sell it ? Just because it was time for something new. And that something was the ACER ASPIRE ONE. Now I know I mostly talk about Acer products in the tones of ‘crap, noobie laptops, disposable computers’ and such, but for 299 euro’s I could not pass up on the ACER ASPIRE ONE. Sporting an 8 gig Sd Drive, 2 cardreaders, 3 usb ports, a 9 inch screen (res 1024*600) a webcam and a slightly bigger keyboard, its a very VERY nice piece of kit for that price. I had of course done some research wether or not Ubuntu would run on this little machine (it does) but decided to take it one step further. Since we don"t have a Windows machine in the house (seriously , its all Mac and Ubuntu here) I thought it would be a nice challenge to DUAL BOOT Xp and Ubuntu on that little machine. It took me quite some time to get everything done but the end result is awesome. (i’ll write up a little review this week). Furthermore I decided to take the plunge and move the domain over to Google apps. And that also takes up quite a bit of time, mailing back and forth with my hosting company and more. (Howto coming up). So as you see, I’ve been a busy body. Now its off to work for another day. 


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