With only hours to go before we close down 2012, my last post of the year will be one where I get to look back and take the time to say thanks. Thanks to all of the people who helped Knightwise.com get through this last year, to those who contributed, those who consumed, those who supported and those who criticised. All of you have had a crucial roll in the process that makes Knightwise.com possible.

To my wife.
Without @niejana, none of this would be possible. Not only is she an understanding and loving wife, she is also a big geek who understands what this whole ‘technology thing’ is about. Without her support, her patience, her enthusiasm and her constructive criticism, Knightwise.com would be shit-on-a-stick. Not only was she a camerawoman, producer, photographer, researcher .. she also was the driving force that inspired a lot of what I do. I thank her for her patience and her love. For being there through the good and the bad times. She is the glue that holds my universe together.

To the crew.
Knightwise.com used to be a one-man-thing. But luckily that is a thing of the past. From the ranks of the community have risen a band of extraordinary people who devoted their time, creativity and talent in making Knightwise.com even better.

The guru’s : Behind the scenes sit a couple of exemplary code monkeys. I’m talking about @kdmurray for his WordPress skills and the all nighters he pulled to keep Knightwise.com up and running. Next to him (but on the other side of the planet) sits @moonenmoonen who is not only our ‘graphical wunderkid’ responsible for ‘new look and feel’ but who also helped SHAPE the “Hacks tips and tweaks” identity we have today. These guys made the magic .. i’m just the pretty face.

The ninja’s : Whenever Knightwise.com went “out and about” we had the chance to work with some very talented people. House photographer Konrad Dwojak, Cameraman Stefaan Lesage, producer @niejana and of course our newest member @beebiegie. They have the patience to put up with me and the stamina to keep up when I go into ‘creative geek’ mode.

To the guests.
Knightwise.com would be a dull site without our guests. The many guests we had on the podcast (and the guestbloggers like Stefaan Lesage and @mcvries) brought their knowledge and enthusiasm to the table. Their content and contributions where awesome.

To the community.
And last, but not least .. to the community. To the people who listen to the podcast, who read the articles, who shoot us tweets and emails. Who hang out with us on Google+, who comment on our Facebook posts .. the people who consume Knightwise.com. Without your appreciation and feedback this would a pointless exercise. But WITH it, doing Knightwise.com becomes the greatest and most grateful hobby in the world. We take the stage and gladly take a bow for every single one of you.

So in 2013 we will continue … Tuning technology into your way of life …

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