Hey guyz, girls, time for a little service announcement regarding some bandwith issues we’ve had over the last 2 weeks. Doing a podcast is a lot of work but its also a lot of fun. However it does require a website AND a place to plop down all of those podcasts AND screencasts. Now if you only do ONE show and then podfade, you can host your entire podcasting enviroment on a USB stick, but thats not practical AND we are NOT podfading. So with 50 podcasts and 25 screencasts on the interwebs we need a little more then just a USB stick. Thanx to BLEUHOST we managed to get a place on the web where we could our files in “Unlimited storage with Unlimited bandwit


h” for 80 bucks a year ! Sweet ! However  erm .. that “Unlimited Bandwith” promise went away a few weeks ago. So now the site is capped at a bandwith speed of 10mbits. Superfine if its just watching the articles and stuff, but when downloading the 400 megabyte files of the average screencast .. not so fine. Especially if ALL of your podcatchers are doing that at the same time. Suddenly “download times” are going up from minutes to hours and .. well we all know you cant wait for your weekly dose of KWTV THAT long.

So we are going to preform some maintenance and see if we can move the “hosting” of the video files to VIMEO ( This is the same online service we use for streaming the files on the site ) and see If i can still get the files to your podcatchers.

So if all goes well you’ll be getting a “maintenance” episode in your feed the coming week. I’ll try to work up something short to keep your entertained. Thanx again everybody for being so patient with the download speeds and bandwith issues, we’ll do our very best to get it all solved as soon as possible.

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