Still got a ton of work backlogged after a very busy weekend (but rest assured, there is a lot of content coming your way) but I did want to slip in this little article in cause .. Well .. Men are just like little children. A acquaintance of mine visited the US recently and just had to slip his latest purchase into my hands, only to leave a gaping hole in my gadget-loving heart when he took it away. As one of the first in Belgium (apart from him of course) I got a chance to play with the little machine and discovered it takes 5 seconds to lock it into your heart. I’ll try and give you the fastest review of my 20 second intercourse with the 16 gigabyte Ipod touch.

Weight and size: Damn that little thing is as flat as a penny. About half as fat as my 5G ipod (30 gig) , so that makes it a little thicker then the new nano. It feels rock solid and slick and is about a perfect size when it comes down to watching video"s.
Interface : I must say : the interface is fantastic : the first thing i tried of course was flipping it on its side (and Hoopla the thing goes widescreen) and then the coverflow stuff ! NIICE (if you have all of your artwork of course) but the whole thing wit the pictures takes the cake. Zooming in and out using both of your fingers is fan-tastic ! ! ! !
Webbrowsing : If I had to compare my Qtec windows mobile interface to this it feels like I’m dragging around a clay tablet. The wifi on the Ipod touch is fast and easy to configure BUT (here it comes) its the first device that REALLY allows you to look at websites like you are supposed to. With the little ipod on its side you don’t have to scroll sideways. And if the letters are too small just .. zoom in !
All in all : Great little device and a intriguing pairing of an mp3 player and a wifi enabled device. I’m pretty interested in the little thing and one day it just might take the place of my ipod ..