Hmm 🙂 Friday ! Probably my favorite day in the week. Just one more day at work and of it is to weekendland. And in those weekends you will seldom find the Knights at home. Its true, we are downright gipsy when it comes to our saturday afternoons and sundays. If we see a chance to go out .. the door slams shut behind us and of we go to some exotic location in a 100 km radius ( sometimes a bit further , but hey , its weekend , right ? ) So today I am going to take you with us on one of those little outings. 

What do you get if you mash an outing to the high marshes in the Ardennes, together with a digital camera, Imovie, a podsafe track and Youtube ?  Right ! Time for a weekend videoclip 🙂 No long post today, we'll let the pictures speak for themselves.


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