About a year ago I got the silly idea to take an old laptop and fix it up with Ubuntu Linux. Just a simple installation : Standard Edgy Eft Linux install with Gnome and some games. Nothing too shocking right. Next up I started to tweak the GUI in order to make all of it a little more user friendly. Since the user the laptop was intended for was, for the majority, going to play games and watch dvd's on the system, I adjusted the toolbars , added (and deleted) Icons for the functionalities most needed and.. enabled automatic login and stuff like that to make it a little easier. So far I don't really see your eyebrows shoot up. Just wait for it.
So I wrap up this simplified user friendly Ubuntu system in wrapping paper and take it down to .. A 79 year old dutch speaking GRANDMOTHER ! who is going to be the sole user of the system. Yes my friends : I whipped up a UBUNTU FOR YOUR GRANDMOTHER.
It was a pretty simple operation at best so I decided to Blog about it. 2 days later the Knightwise.com website had EX-PLODED with 9000 hits a day on the "ubuntu for your grandmother article". With hits still coming in every day it put my website high up there at the Googlecharts. But this pleasure was dwarfed by the joy in the eyes of worlds first 'Ubuntu grandmother' who until this day continues to use her Ubuntu-based laptop for hours on end !
This week I'm very happy to announce the article got featured in the "Fullcirclemagazine" the official digital magazine for the Ubuntu community. This great magazine features all things Ubuntu and comes in a printer friendly PDF that you can download and browse through in your on – or – off-line life.

The original Article can be found HERE : Ubuntu for your Grandmother
The Fullcicle magazine's homepage
The link to edition 2, with the article on page 12.