If there is one thing I hate from the core of my very existence, then
its the phenomenon called "hyping"
. Hyping is rounding up a few
thousand enthusiasts ,adding just a pinch of factual information, scoop
out all other ingredients like : Scepticism, common sense, rationality
and replacing all of those with pure and utter unfounded emotion.
Seeing a crowd of 14000 girls screaming in anticipation for the first
ever concert of "Vanilla Ice" is a classic example of "Hyping".
Whenever I see 20 idiots camping out on lawn chairs and sleeping bags
in front of the Apple store to get their hands on the "next Leopard", I
sigh and think of Hyping. You all know how I feel about the Iphone
(and the over-hyping culture that it floats on) so I shall spare you my
thoughts on that. The last couple of days this "hyping" phenomenon has
found new and fresh prays to thrive on.Although the whole "Windows 7
Hype" has been pretty meek in comparison to last time MS released an
OS, ‘ The OUCH starts Now ‘ it was still bad. Hyping starts with
Bloggers writing about products they have not realy tested or used in the real world. It starts when people with keyboards, a website and an internet
connection bombard themselves as "Experts" on a piece of
hardware/software/service they know NOTHING about and don’t have ANY
experience with. Their entire article (if we may call this simplistic
piece of gutteral
cries-in-a-database an article) is based on some vague screenshots,
rumor sites and "what people say on twitter".  They run in line with
all the other bloggers, in very much the same manner as cows trod after
one another
when its either time for milking or feeding. I am still lost about the
whole "Google Wave" thing and fail to see the revolutionary features of
this technology. To me it looks very much like "Usenet 2.0"  Ok , I am perhaps immune to the fact that Leo Laporte gets some kind of phisical phenomenon that makes him cancel his Viagra-order whenever he talks about Google Wave, or that Veronica Bellmont named her favorite Vibrater after Google Wave .. But perhaps thats just me.

Today I am equally annoyed with the whole hyping phenomenon concerning the new release of Ubuntu Karmic Koala. Never mind the fact that there are tons of "release parties’ all over the world, crowded by nerds who play "stratego outside" once every six months. Those parties have a social function and are way cooler then the Windows 7 home parties that AGAIN make me think of vibrators (Must be where Veronica got hers). My annoyance is with the fact that everybody is hootin and tootin
Koala’s horn even before its released. We are talking about a small
upgrade to jaunty. Sure, some things have changed , comparing it to
9.04, but this is not the new Ubuntu revolution here. Amids the hysteria (1000 users on the irc
channel ? ) people are more then happy to shout that the "BIG CHANGES"
are still a year away, but continue to merrily tweet that "they are
downloading the beta …RIGHT NOW !!!!".. Thats like celebrating Christmas
2011 in august 2009. You don’t even know what Santa is gonna stuff down
your stocking and you’re saying thank you already ? Please people : Try
before you buy, or at least, TRY before you blog/tweet/irc and so forth. The Irc-party-channel is filled up with a 1000+ fans who are hopping up and down ,spouting that they are torrenting
away at some hilarious speed while they shout "HOW GREAT THIS IS". As I
said this morning. Karmic Koala is not an invitation by 2 coed girls
who are lying in your bedroom NAKED waiting for you to join them .. Its
just a new release. Please .. put things in perspective and hoot and
toot AFTER Santa gives you your present.

If you want to get your panties in a twist : DOWNLOAD IT HERE.

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