Some of you might not even notice the little bird in the far left corner of our banner. Not very surprising. It has been there for a long long time. The original "heron’ sign is one that I chose as my personal "logo" over twelve years ago. Standing proud with arched wings it has been omnipresent on a lot of things I have created. But as with all things it must evolve. Looking long and hard at what I wanted and how I wanted it took up most of the time. Right up to the point where I met the talented Sharky and asked him to come up with a little something. It took him about two days to turn the Hedon into a whole new logo. Made it evolve. Some of you might have noticed a different looking bird in the logo’s of the Knightcast and KW tv, and very soon its time to change the top banner of the site as wel. Officially welcoming the new artwork of I just want to take the time to thank Sharky for his design work. I think its excellent ! Look forward to seeing a lot more of the Heron 2.0.