There comes a time where we all go over that one hump in life that is the big 3-0. Although i'm puzzled as to why people make such a big deal out of this, cause quite frankly, its just another birthday. People sometimes say "oh Darn, I’m 30 now" but look at it this way. If you are 29 and you look damn good .. you're 29 and you look damn good. But if you are 30 and you look damn good : They say "WHOW you look awesome even if you are 30" So speaking of people who look damn good on their 30th birthday : My lovely wife Nyana turned 30 today and its time to unravel on of the pesky secrets I have been harbouring for over a fortnight now. Together with the fantastic LEN from we've come up with another great idea for a birthday cartoon.

Happy birthday sweetheart ! I hope you have a great birthday. ( And perhaps conquer a planet or two, make a genius mad with your fantastic flirting skills, Boss some Cylons around and all that) Coming to think of it .. Isn't driving a genius like me mad with your sensual beauty something you do EVERY day ?