Some people do not dream. Others DO dream. Most of us don’t persue or dreams. We put things off until ‘later’ and nag and complain when we are old. So when your dream is to ride your bike to Dakar .. you can daydream about it until you are blue in the face. OR you can just go and DO IT. And that is what my own brother is going to do. Come Friday this guy is going to join up with a Caravan and drive into the big adventure. You can track the event on line and follow his progress here .So i wish him all the luck and Gods speed on this awesome adventure. Having just watched the entire series of ‘the long way down ‘ I can only imagine what its going to be like. Awesome ! These are journeys that change you forever. Where the destination does not matter, where the treasure lies in the journey that gets you there. These are epic journeys that fill you with sights and impressions so exquisite .. you will be a different and better person when you return. Some people put their dreams off until later. This guy grabs them by the handlebar.