I seldom post ‘funny video’s’ but this one is a little exception. Unfortunately for all you non-Flemish speaking people you will be only able to appreciate the acting. This is a cool little video of a local comic who made up this "macho" character called PasCale. For you Yanks : Remember how the Italian Macho’s sound in Jersey .. This is kind of the same. PasCale speaks "Cité’s" a local variation of our lingo drenched with Italian, Spanish, Greek, Turkish and other accents. He is from ‘Genk’ a nearby town that is famous for its mining heritage and the fact that a lot of immigrants live there. They came to work in the Belgian mines after the war and the mixing bowl of all those cultures has made Genk one of the most tolerant, multicultural and economically strong cities in Belgium (not to mention they have the hottest chicks) And they have the Lingo to match. For you Belgians .. Welcome To Genk! 


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