Today we bare unfortunate and sad news on the website as we are saddened to reprt the passing of Nyana's grandmother. "Moe" as we called her died age 86. She was one cool lady that will truly be missed. A real "old-school" grandma from way back. A time that did not have computers, cellphones and all that jazz. Somebody who always worked hard and looked towards the ever changing world with a wonderful skeptical look ! Grounded in roots of clay and farmland all the techno-tinker-tanker was no big buzz to her. One wonderful lady who coined the word 'straight talk' before Dolly Parton even had boobs. She will be truly missed !




After a long battle against her illness she passed away this morning in  Hospital. For most people this means a lot of hassle. Obituaries, letters to family and friends, arranging the funeral and so forth.  And in a Cyber-minded household it is no different. As I look around me is saturated by technology.  Nyana and her sister are writing up the whole paperwork ( Fat chance that the mailman would not be able to read anything at all if I where to do the handwriting) and i'm promoted to geek-for-life , perched behind the laptop (where else) Googling up addresses of long lost family members and shady places of whom everybody knows the name but no-one can remember the adress. Emails fly back and forth between the print-house and the layout department (on my right) and even with death so close at hand… Life on the edge of real and cyberspace .. goes on .


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