Just a quick roundup of some nice links I spotted in my Feedreader the last few days. Some of you might find an interesting item among them.

14 great Cheat Sheets For common apps. LINK Aside from being almost unpronouncable these 14 Cheat Sheets help you out when you quickly need to reference functionality in some common applications like Word and Excel and crap like that. The cool ones are the Browser cheat sheets like the ones for Firefox and Chrome. And the killer here is the "Quick Cheat sheet" for VI and VIM. I cannot recount the numerous times I’ve gotten TRAPPED inside VI VIM , so this little ‘escape route" is brilliant. 

Print and Fold your own ipod Dock : LINK Now here is another nice way to ‘prop up’ your Iphone or ipod touch to watch video’s or have the most expensive desk-clock in the office. Download the Pdf, print, cut, fold and place. If I had an ounce of motor skills, I would do it right away.

Msi 12 inch Netbook. LINK   For some reason I think 12 inch is the perfect size… For a laptop/notebook. Don’t get me wrong : I love the Acer Aspire one with its 9 inch Display, but for keyboard convenience and maximum productivity, 7 or 9 inch .. just is not ideal. Take the 12 inch MSI Wind Netbook for example. Its white color and 12 inch display remind me of that little buddy of mine: My first Ibook. Totally portable and still within a form factor that does not make you think you just nicked a Hobbits laptop.

Mobalive Cd. LINK   Remember me talking about "companion" operating systems ? How about using Mobalive to run your "companion OS" INSIDE Windows without having to reboot. The only truely embedded version of Linux I found so far that could pull this off is Damn Small Linux. But to be honest ? Me and DSL don"t boogie so well since its not a native Debian distro and all the apt-get magic I know .. just does not work. So this little app might help me out running a Ubuntu OS inside Windows when I need to. Downside ? It is darn slow.

Ubuntu One. LINK Ok for those of you who think Dropbox, as a cross platform free data-in-the-cloud service, just is not suitable for you, you can now try out Ubuntu One. Coming to a Karmic Koala install near you pretty soon, you can even try it out on your Ubuntu Jaunty install. Follow the manual and get 2 gigs of hardcore "Stallman safe" data .. up in the cloud.

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