A lot of people are afraid to use another operating system. Some people are afraid to embrace something that is different then the thngs they know. And coming to think of it, I can understand them. There are lists upon lists out there that give you "alternatives" Alternative operating systems to Windows, alternative programs to Word, Excell, Internet Exlplorer and so forth. It seems that whenever we want to switch operating systems we also need to get used to new applications to do the same thing. And coming to think about it . Why should we ! If an operating system is indeed a "transparent tool" to help us get things done, why can’t we use the exact same applications on EVERY operating system.

Enter "middleware" In the professional side of the IT business, middleware is software that connects one kind of "back-end systems" (like for example AS400 ) to front end software like for example an http interface or something. Middleware is something that is also available to switchers (or should i say "sliders", like us) One of those is ADOBE AIR, a "middle ware software" that enables programmers to develop software application for the "middle ware software" while Adobe desings the "air platform" to run on both Linux, Osx and Windows.



One of my favourite Applications on the ADOBE AIR platform Must be Tweetdeck. The multi-column approach to reading tweets, following people and more importantly keeping tabs on keywords and searches.

So if you want to go ahead and give it a try, its pretty easy to do.

Download adobe air for the Mac and the Pc HERE , and if you need to get it going in ubuntu (its very easy) follow THIS howto. After that , download Tweetdeck and hit install. !

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