I have seen one of these little projectors a while ago on the web. A complete R2D2 media system : Very Cool. But these guys have taken it to the next level and pushed the geek factor up a little. The Little ARtoo unit is rigged to their Nagios Server Monitoring software and "alerts the helpdesk guyz" when something is wrong. Don’t mind the poor acting , take a look at how this 3000 dollar gizzmo wakes up the guys in the helpdesk. Now I do wonder : What IT department has 3000 dollars to spend when it comes down to a gadget like this ? And who sold THAT to their IT Manager  ?  " Now Seriously Mr Conichiwa , We need to hook up a mobile R2-Unit to the Nagios System for advanced server monitoring" .. Wait .. to a manager guy thats all technospeak anyway. He might as well approved it right away ! Wait until I catch the boss today ! 🙂


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