Am I under the curse of Frankenstein ? Or of Frank-and-Time .. Or of Einstein. I don't really know .. But E=MC2 does look rather realistic right now. Perception of time is relevant just like time its-self. Damn damn damn .. I don't know what it is but somehow we got to thursday already and all my best plans have been laid to waste so far. Clean up my office (properly) Install my two new routers (yeah-duhu) Take a look at my Linux laptop (remotely possible) and record my podcast + the articles i'm doing for : Impossible. Might just be i'm gonna have to skip a show this week because i'm quite frank-en-stein-ly right out of time flat. I only wish I was a bittorrent File. They seam to have plenty of time .. Loads of it. This week i sat mysellf down and punched in some bittorrent files on my Ubuntu machine to 'go and fetch' They where classic 50's and 60's B-movies that you can download LEGALLY !

Go HERE for more. I chose some classic Sci Fi movies (wonderfull) that I can take with me and play on my Ipod. (IF i have the time…) Destroy all planets (something about a giant turtel protecting the world) .. First spaceship on Venus … Attack of the Giant leeches , Horrors of Spider Island .. All great flicks 🙂 Overacted , overdone , overdubbed in the japanese movies.. But to those who want to see the roots of the genre for 'Godzilla' this is nice material. But they also have other genres as well of course. Go have a look-see.

Meanwhile I got up early just to do this post and because I like sitting here with my cappuccino in the dark. Strange Strange Strange… My Ipod has slurped its belly full of the daily dose of podcasts, I've got some equiptment lying around that I have to drop off when I come back from work and all in all I hope i'll be home for Christmas .

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