As a special treat for you guys and girls this year, we are ending the 2010 on a big bang. Since we have had such a lot of feedback on the live shows we’ver recorded through the year , we thought we would give you a little treat. 

So on Wednesday the 29 and Thursday the 30th of December we are going to give you 2 massive ‘end of the year’ live shows. On both days, from 8 AM to 12 AM GMT+1 we will be broadcasting adio and video LIVE via Ustream on 


The Two liveshows will feature

  • Live Podcast Recordings,
  • Non Stop Dj mixes.
  • Music on request.
  • Interviews with various podcasters.
  • Video’s
  • Live Chatroom
  • Q & A 
  • Skypecalls to our listeners , etc.
  • And more !
So make shure you get your latest slice of Knightwise before we dive into 2011 and join us on the KWTV LIVE Broadcasts.

You can join by

  • Watching live on
  • Chatting in our Chatroom on, channelname #KWTV2010
  • Be part of the live show and call us via Skype ( Skypename : KNIGHTWISE ).
  • Leave a voicemail on our Googlevoice number : (218) 262-9237
  • sign up for the event on Facebook 
PS : Make sure to get your questions for the Q&A in BEFORE thursday morning 10am GMT+1 since we”ll be doing the Q&A section at at the end of the show on friday.


SCHEDULE for Thursday the 30th. ( Times are GMT +1)

– 7.30 Am – 8.00 AM : Warmup and Coffee.

From 8 o’clock on , our guest will be : 

– Dave Gray ( on the Ipad
– KD Murray ( on Ebook Readers
– Sigrid Dufraimont ( on Windows Mobile
– Steve Visscher ( on the Galaxy Tab) 

– 11.30 AM – 12.00 PM Roundup with Q&A

In-between interviews there will be music, your feedback and live interaction with the chatroom.


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