Seems that FREE LINUX BOOKS are becoming a trend these days. The immensly popular book "Ubuntu Kung Fu" features a lot of cool Ubuntu Hacks,but unfortunately its not free. (you can get it from any good bookstore, so go on over to Amazon or something) But today we bring you yet ANOTHER free linux book to download. (thanx to ) 101 Linux Hacks is a free Linux Ebook with some cool Linux-General hacks like :



  • Chapter 3: SSH Client Commands

  • Chapter 4: Essential Linux Commands

  • Chapter 7: Archive and Compression

  • Chapter 9: System Administration Tasks

  • Chapter 12: System Monitoring and Performance

  • …….

The book is a little more advanced and with 140 pages slightly "short" in its explenations, but using the PDF and the magic of copy paste you will be using the commands from the book in no time. For those who are following our "INSTALL YOUR OWN LINUX SERVER" series, this is definately one to download and add to your virtual (free) bookshellf.


Download HERE : password = linuxrocks

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