Little bit of an update today about the Irobot Apad we talked about in previous episodes. The ‘review’ article I wrote is now featured in the latest edition of the “full Circle Magazine”. A free Electronic Ezine about Ubuntu. If you haven’t had a chance to read through a copy of this excellent magazine, be sure to head over to and pick up the latest edition. The magazine features easy howto’s and informative articles about Ubuntu Linux (and some other derivatives). So make sure you check it out.

On another note I’ve found a great little screencast on Youtube called “ItouchIreview”. I got in ‘touch’ with this guy completely by accident when I sold the Irobot Apad on a Belgian bargain site. This is a 15 year old brilliant kid with his OWN video podcast ! His video quality is fantastic, production quality is great, and his English is awesome ! I also suggest you check out his channel on youtube.

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