This weekend was the annual birthday party of Nyana’s grandmother. (Also known as the 81 year old "Ubuntu Granny") This Gutsy Granny is one of the Geekiest senior citizens I know and has been running Ubuntu Linux on her old laptop for two years now (See the article HERE) When we went to the family dinner a few weeks ago I took along my Asus EEEpc, just to keep me occupied and stuff. Granny walked in the living room, caught sight of my little new white friend and purred like a kitten ! "What is THAT" she said. I explained to her what it was , where I got it and how much it had cost me (or "how cheap it was") She was exctatic ! Of course 20 minutes later she had yanked the little device out of my hands and was playing "Frozen Bubble" like there was no tomorrow. Talk about your a-social teenager texting away when the family has dinner ? This is the 81 year old computer-savvy grandma who could not care less if her soup went cold as long as she made it to the next level of Frozen Bubble. Now with ther birthday coming up the family put their heads together and we looked into pitching in and getting here one of these. Of course they are not available in Belgium yett (but its coming) so we decided to give her a "voucher" on her birthday for "One EEE-PC " to be collected as soon as they arrived here in Belgium.
I took my EEE (or "Tripoli") pc with me as a "demo unit" and she got to pose with it (and play some more frozen Bubble) Just to show how geeky this family is : We hooked up the EEE to some stray wifi, where showing eachother youtube video’s and where uploading the pictures we took at the party straight to flickr. (As I said : this is one geeky family). So happy birthday Gran-EEE and may your Asus arrive soon !